Garden Can - 12 oz.

Production Time: 8 Working Days
250 $8.53 each
500 $7.65 each
1000 $7.10 each
2500 $6.71 each
5000 $6.43 each
12 oz. garden can, choose from three hardy seeds: yellow cosmos, marigold or zinnia. Garden cans are filled with pro mix potting soil and sealed with a pop top lid. Seeds secured to top of can under an adhesive sticker with growing instructions. Seeds will germinate 6-8 days after planting and watering. All can labels are UV coated with a high gloss finish and include four color process printing.

Normal Production Time
8 Working Days

Product Size
2 3/4" x 4 3/4", Label Size: 4 1/2" x 8 7/8

Country of Manufacture
United States

Additional Information
Production time will vary from 5 to 8 days based on product and current production levels.

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