Metal Stainless Vehicle License Plate Frame Holder

Production Time: 7 Working Days
100 $4.85 each
300 $4.02 each
500 $3.97 each
800 $2.40 each
1000 $2.19 each
2000 $2.17 each
3000 $2.14 each
5000 $2.12 each
8000 $2.09 each
10000 $2.07 each
Check out this Stainless Steel License Plate Frame, made of durable high grade stainless steel. A great accessory that adds professionalism to your company car. Drive away with new business at your next trade show! Represent your brand on the road with this noticeable frame when you take advantage of our laser engraving process. A great promotional item to gift to everyone in the office, or as a welcome gift to industry associates! Quantity for 10k and over by ocean. 100% guarantee for quality.

Normal Production Time
7 Working Days

Product Size

0.37 lbs

Additional Information
The product is made of Metal Stainless. Rush service available.Orders of 800 pieces or greater are eligible for sea shipping.

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